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Holy Cross Family Ministries is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Our Core Mission...

is to inspire, promote, and foster the spiritual well-being of families throughout the world.  Through the work of our various ministries - Catholic Mom, Family Rosary, and Family Theater Productions - we provide resources for families that bring them together in prayer. Share this page with others to help us spread the word!

Your support allows us to reach families all around the world.
Thank you!

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Donate towards a specific fund:

A Campaign for Family Prayer

Help us transform the Father Peyton Center into a place for pilgrimages, retreats, and spiritual renewal of families.
Learn More >

Family Rosary International

Support our 28 ministry centers across 18 countries and the work they do to uplift communities far and wide through faith, community, and of course, the Rosary!

The Film Fund

Support Family Theater Productions' Film Fund, and help us bring stories that unlock hearts to God's love to the screen.

"The Family that Prays Together,
Stays Together"
- Ven. Patrick Peyton

For more information, please contact the
Mission Advancement Office:
missionadvancement@hcfm.org | 508-238-4095

To donate by cash or check, mail to
518 Washington St, North Easton, MA 02356


Frequently asked questions